How Many Calories Does Pickleball Burn?

The popularity of pickleball, a paddle sport that combines aspects of table tennis, badminton, and tennis, has grown recently. It’s known for being accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, but an important aspect that often piques interest is its potential impact on physical fitness, particularly in terms of calorie burning. This article explores how many calories you can burn playing pickleball and the factors that influence this energy expenditure.

Understanding Calorie Burn

Calorie burn during physical activity is influenced by several factors:

  • Body Weight: Heavier individuals generally burn more calories performing the same activity compared to lighter individuals.
  • Intensity: The level of exertion and intensity of the activity play a significant role. More vigorous activity results in greater calorie expenditure.
  • Duration: The length of time spent engaged in the activity affects the total number of calories burned.
  • Fitness Level: Because they are more efficient, those who are more conditioned may burn less calories doing the same activity than others who are less fit.

Calorie Burn in Pickleball

Pickleball is a high-energy sport that combines running, quick lateral movements, and frequent bursts of speed. The number of calories burned during a game can vary based on the intensity of play, body weight, and other factors. Here’s a detailed look at how calorie expenditure is generally broken down:

  1. Average Calorie Burn per Hour
    • Light Intensity:
      • Calorie Range: Approximately 300-400 calories per hour.
      • Description: Light intensity games typically involve less running and more gentle rallies. This level is often characterized by casual play with fewer bursts of speed and less overall exertion.
      • Impact: Suitable for beginners or players engaging in a relaxed game.
    • Moderate Intensity:
      • Calorie Range: About 400-600 calories per hour.
      • Description: Moderate intensity involves regular movement and moderate exertion. Players are actively engaged, with a mix of running and quick lateral movements.
      • Impact: Common in recreational play where players are more involved and energetic but not pushing to their maximum effort.
    • High Intensity:
      • Calorie Range: 600-800 calories per hour.
      • Description: High-intensity games feature continuous movement, rapid sprints, and high energy levels. Competitive matches or rigorous practice sessions fall into this category.
      • Impact: Ideal for those seeking a vigorous workout and aiming to maximize calorie burn.
  2. Calories Burned Based on Body Weight
    • For a 125-pound individual:
      • Calorie Range: Approximately 300-500 calories per hour.
      • Description: Lighter individuals generally burn fewer calories compared to heavier individuals during the same activity, due to lower energy requirements for movement.
    • For a 155-pound individual:
      • Calorie Range: Approximately 375-625 calories per hour.
      • Description: Individuals of this weight range experience a moderate calorie burn, falling in between lighter and heavier players.
    • For a 185-pound individual:
      • Calorie Range: Approximately 450-750 calories per hour.
      • Description: Heavier players typically burn more calories due to the increased energy needed for movement and maintaining bodily functions.

Comparative Analysis

To provide a clearer perspective on how pickleball fits into the broader landscape of physical activities, it’s helpful to compare its calorie-burning potential with other popular sports and exercises:

  • Tennis: Tennis involves similar dynamic movements to pickleball, such as lateral shuffling, quick sprints, and frequent changes in direction. On average, playing tennis burns between 400 and 600 calories per hour. This compares energy expenditure to pickleball, albeit the exact quantity of calories burned will vary based on play style and match intensity.
  • Running: Compared to pickleball, running is a higher-intensity cardiovascular workout that typically burns more calories. For instance, running at a moderate pace of around 6 miles per hour (approximately a 10-minute mile) can burn between 600 and 800 calories per hour. This higher calorie burn is due to the continuous, sustained effort involved in running, which requires significant energy output and engages major muscle groups throughout the entire body.
  • Cycling: Moderate-intensity cycling is another activity that closely aligns with pickleball in terms of calorie expenditure. Engaging in moderate cycling can burn approximately 400 to 600 calories per hour. Similar to pickleball, cycling’s calorie burn can vary depending on the terrain, rider speed, and resistance level. Both activities provide a good balance of cardiovascular and muscular exercise, making them effective for fitness and weight management.

Factors Influencing Calorie Burn

The quantity of calories burned when playing pickleball might vary depending on a few different factors. By being aware of these factors, you can tailor your activity for the best fitness results and estimate your energy expenditure more accurately:

  • Skill Level:
    • Efficient Movement: More experienced players often exhibit greater efficiency in their movements. This can mean fewer calories burned as a result of smoother, more strategic play.
    • Energy Expenditure: Less skilled players may expend more energy due to less efficient movement and more frequent mistakes, potentially leading to higher calorie burn.
  • Playing Surface:
    • Surface Type: The surface on which you play can affect the intensity of your game. Playing on a softer surface, such as grass or a synthetic court, may reduce the intensity and impact on joints, potentially resulting in lower calorie burn.
    • Hard Surfaces: Harder surfaces, like concrete or asphalt, often require more energy due to increased impact and resistance. This can elevate the intensity of the game and increase calorie expenditure.
  • Weather Conditions:
    • Temperature: Playing in hot or humid weather can increase calorie burn. The body uses additional energy to regulate its temperature and stay cool, which can raise overall energy expenditure.
    • Humidity: Because the body must work harder to cool down through sweating and other physiological responses, high humidity levels can increase the rate at which calories are burned.
  • Game Intensity:
    • Activity Level: The overall intensity of the game plays a crucial role in calorie burn. Fast-paced, competitive matches with frequent sprints and rapid movement will burn more calories than leisurely, casual games.
    • Duration: Longer game sessions or practices will generally result in higher total calorie burn, especially if the intensity remains high throughout.
  • Player Weight:
    • Body Mass: Individuals with higher body weight typically burn more calories during physical activities, including pickleball. This is because more energy is required to move and sustain bodily functions.

Calorie Expenditure in Pickleball

Intensity Level Estimated Calories Burned per Hour Factors Influencing Calorie Burn
Light Intensity 300-400
  • Less running and lower exertion
  • Casual play
  • Shorter durations
Moderate Intensity 400-600
  • Regular movement and moderate exertion
  • Recreational play
  • Longer durations
High Intensity 600-800
  • Continuous movement and high exertion
  • Competitive play
  • Longer durations and higher skill level
Body Weight Calories Burned for Different Weights
  • Heavier individuals generally burn more calories
  • Lightest: 300-500
  • Moderate: 375-625
  • Heaviest: 450-750
Duration Impact on Total Calories Burned
  • Longer play sessions result in more calories burned
  • Varies based on intensity and duration

Key Takeaways:

  • Calorie burn varies with intensity, body weight, and duration of play.
  • High-intensity games and longer durations lead to higher calorie expenditure.
  • Heavier individuals and more competitive play generally result in greater calorie burn.

Health Benefits of Calorie Burning Through Pickleball

Apart from burning calories, pickleball provides several health advantages that enhance general well-being. Here’s how engaging in this sport supports your health:

  1. Cardiovascular Health
    • Improved Heart Health: Playing pickleball on a regular basis can enhance cardiovascular fitness and strengthen your heart. The aerobic activity and constant movement of the sport can lower blood pressure, enhance circulation, and lower the risk of heart disease.
    • Enhanced Endurance: The intermittent bursts of high-intensity activity and recovery periods help build stamina and endurance, contributing to better overall cardiovascular health.
  2. Muscle Strength and Tone
    • Full-Body Workout: Pickleball engages various muscle groups, including the legs, arms, core, and back. The quick movements and powerful strokes help strengthen and tone these muscles.
    • Improved Flexibility and Coordination: Regular play enhances flexibility and coordination, as players need to move quickly and efficiently across the court.
  3. Weight Management
    • Calorie Expenditure and Weight Loss: When paired with a balanced diet, the calories expended while playing pickleball can help with weight management and even weight loss. Frequent exercise contributes to the calorie deficit that is necessary for weight loss.
    • Metabolism Boost: Regular pickleball play can speed up your metabolism and facilitate calorie burning even when you’re at rest.
  4. Mental Health Benefits
    • Stress Reduction: Endorphins are naturally occurring mood enhancers that are released when one engages in physical activity, such as pickleball. Anxiety and stress levels may be lowered in this way.
    • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Regular exercise, such as pickleball, has been linked to improved cognitive and memory performance. The mental challenge of strategizing during play can also stimulate brain activity.
  5. Social Interaction
    • Community and Connection: Pickleball is often played in a social setting, fostering connections with others and creating a sense of community. Social interaction can enhance mental well-being and provide emotional support.
  6. Accessibility and Longevity
    • Low Impact on Joints: Pickleball is comparatively less taxing on the joints than high-impact sports, which makes it appropriate for senior citizens and others with joint issues. Because of its reduced impact, the activity still offers an efficient workout but also lowers the danger of damage.
    • Lifelong Activity: People of different ages and fitness levels can enjoy pickleball because it’s a versatile activity. It promotes physical activity throughout one’s life, supporting long-term health and fitness.


Playing pickleball offers an effective way to burn calories and stay active while having fun. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Calorie Burn Range: Depending on the intensity of play, you can burn between 300 to 800 calories per hour. Light play burns fewer calories, while high-intensity games can significantly increase calorie expenditure.
  • Factors Influencing Calorie Burn: Your body weight, the intensity of the game, duration, and fitness level all impact how many calories you burn. Heavier individuals and those engaging in more intense play will generally burn more calories.
  • Health Benefits Beyond Calorie Burn: Pickleball helps with weight control, mental health, physical fitness, cardiovascular health, and social engagement in addition to burning calories. It provides a full-body workout that enhances endurance, flexibility, and coordination.
  • Accessibility: Pickleball is a low-impact activity that can be played by people of all ages and fitness levels of difficulty, making it an appropriate choice for lifetime physical activity.

Pickleball is a social and engaging sport that may be a rewarding method to enhance overall health and fitness while incorporating into your routine. Whether you’re playing casually or competitively, the physical benefits of pickleball can support a healthier lifestyle.


How many calories does a typical game of pickleball burn?

A standard pickleball match can burn anywhere from 300 – 600 calories in one hour, depending on how hard you play. Light, recreational play may be on the lower end of this range, while more competitive and vigorous games can reach the higher end.

Does the number of calories burned in pickleball vary based on body weight?

Yes, body weight significantly affects calorie burn. Generally, heavier individuals will burn more calories than lighter individuals during the same activity. For example, a 125-pound person might burn about 300-500 calories per hour, while a 185-pound person could burn 450-750 calories per hour.

How does pickleball compare to other sports in terms of calorie burn?

Pickleball burns calories at a rate comparable to moderate-intensity sports like tennis and cycling. For instance, tennis can burn about 400-600 calories per hour, similar to pickleball. In contrast, running at a moderate pace can burn 600-800 calories per hour, which is higher due to the continuous, high-intensity nature of the activity.

What factors influence the number of calories burned during pickleball?

Several factors influence calorie burn in pickleball, including:

  • Intensity of Play: More vigorous play burns more calories.
  • Duration: Longer play sessions result in higher total calorie expenditure.
  • Body Weight: Heavier individuals generally burn more calories.
  • Skill Level: More experienced players might move more efficiently, which can impact overall calorie burn.

Can playing pickleball contribute to weight loss?

Yes, playing pickleball can contribute to weight loss when combined with a balanced diet. The sport helps create a calorie deficit by burning a significant number of calories through physical activity. Regular play, especially at higher intensities, can support weight management and overall fitness goals.

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