13mm vs. 16mm Pickleball Paddles: Which Thickness Best Suits Your Playing Style?

Pickleball, a sport that blends elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has seen significant growth in recent years. Central to the game is the paddle, which comes in various sizes and thicknesses. Among the different options, 13mm and 16mm paddles are popular choices. To assist pickleball players in making wise selections depending on their tastes and playing style, this article explores the main distinctions between 13mm and 16mm pickleball paddles.

Paddle Thickness: What Does It Mean?

The thickness of a pickleball paddle affects its performance, durability, and feel. Millimeters (mm) are used to measure thickness, which affects a number of important gameplay elements, including:

  • Power: Thicker paddles generally offer more power due to their increased mass and larger surface area.
  • Control: Thinner paddles often provide better control and precision due to their lighter weight and reduced mass.
  • Cushioning and Comfort: A thicker paddle may offer more cushioning, which can reduce the impact on the player’s arm and provide a softer feel.
Feature 13mm Pickleball Paddles 16mm Pickleball Paddles
Core Material Polymer or aluminum honeycomb Polymer or aluminum honeycomb, but with increased thickness
Face Material Fiberglass or carbon fiber composite Fiberglass or carbon fiber composite
Power Good power with a balanced mix of control Enhanced power, ideal for forceful and aggressive shots
Control Decent control, though less precise compared to thinner paddles Slightly reduced control compared to 13mm paddles
Sweet Spot Size Moderate sweet spot, good for balanced play Larger sweet spot, providing more power on impact
Comfort Moderate cushioning, absorbs some shock Superior cushioning, excellent shock absorption and comfort
Weight Generally lighter than 16mm paddles Heavier due to increased thickness, but with added stability
Arm Strain Reduction Reduces some strain, but not as much as thicker paddles More effective in reducing arm strain and fatigue
Ideal for Playing Style Balanced players seeking both power and control Power-focused players who rely on strong, forceful shots
Suitability for Beginners Intermediate to advanced players Suitable for advanced players, or those needing more comfort
Durability Durable, but face material affects longevity Equally durable, but added thickness can improve longevity
Best For Aggressive players who need a balance of power and control Power players, and those with arm issues or discomfort

13mm Pickleball Paddles

Construction and Design

  • Core:
    • Material: 13mm paddles typically feature a core made from polymer or aluminum honeycomb. This core design offers a balanced combination of power and control.
    • Function: The honeycomb structure helps in evenly distributing impact forces, which can improve shot consistency and overall performance. The polymer core is often lighter and provides a softer feel, while the aluminum core adds rigidity and a bit more power.
  • Face:
    • Material: The face of a 13mm paddle is commonly constructed from composite materials such as fiberglass or carbon fiber.
    • Advantages:
      • Durability: Composite faces are designed to withstand repeated impacts and resist wear, enhancing the paddle’s lifespan.
      • Performance: Fiberglass offers a good balance between power and control, while carbon fiber provides a more responsive and firm feel, which can enhance precision.

Performance Characteristics

  • Power:
    • Impact: The 13mm thickness provides a solid level of power, making it suitable for players who want to hit aggressive shots. This thickness allows for a larger sweet spot, which can help in generating more power with less effort.
    • Balance: Although powerful, the 13mm paddle still maintains a reasonable level of control, making it versatile for various playing styles.
  • Control:
    • Precision: While 13mm paddles offer good control, they might not be as precise as thinner paddles. The extra thickness can slightly reduce the finesse required for very delicate shots.
    • Consistency: Players can still achieve consistent results, but the degree of precision may vary based on the player’s skill and technique.
  • Comfort:
    • Cushioning: The 13mm thickness provides moderate cushioning, which helps absorb shock from ball impacts. This can be beneficial in reducing strain on the arm and minimizing fatigue.
    • Feel: The paddle offers a balanced feel that supports both power and control, making it comfortable for extended play.

Ideal Players

  • Intermediate to Advanced Players:
    • Suitability: Players with a solid understanding of pickleball mechanics who seek a balance between power and control may find the 13mm paddle ideal. It caters well to those who want to enhance their game with a versatile paddle.
    • Experience Level: Intermediate players transitioning to more advanced techniques can benefit from the 13mm paddle’s balanced performance.
  • Aggressive Players:
    • Game Style: Players who prefer a more aggressive playing style, with powerful shots and drives, will appreciate the added power of the 13mm paddle. It allows for strong attacks while still offering enough control to place shots accurately.

16mm Pickleball Paddles

Construction and Design

  • Core:
    • Material: 16mm paddles often feature a thicker core made from similar materials as 13mm paddles, such as polymer or aluminum honeycomb, but with increased mass.
    • Function: The thicker core provides added power and stability. The increased mass helps in absorbing impact, resulting in a more robust feel and enhanced shot strength.
  • Face:
    • Material: The face material is typically the same as that used in 13mm paddles—composite materials like fiberglass or carbon fiber.
    • Advantages:
      • Durability: The face materials ensure that the paddle remains durable, even with the increased thickness.
      • Performance: Consistent with 13mm paddles, the composite face contributes to a strong and reliable performance, though the increased core thickness impacts the overall feel.

Performance Characteristics

  • Power:
    • Impact: 16mm paddles offer enhanced power compared to their thinner counterparts. The increased thickness contributes to a larger sweet spot and greater force behind shots.
    • Suitability: This makes 16mm paddles particularly well-suited for players who focus on hitting powerful, forceful shots.
  • Control:
    • Precision: The increased thickness of the 16mm paddle may slightly compromise control compared to 13mm paddles. However, this difference is often minimal and depends on the player’s skill level.
    • Consistency: For most players, the control remains adequate, though those seeking extreme precision might notice a slight decrease.
  • Comfort:
    • Cushioning: With greater thickness, 16mm paddles offer superior cushioning and shock absorption. Players who are prone to injuries or who have arm pain will particularly benefit from this feature.
    • Feel: The added cushioning helps in reducing the impact on the arm, making the paddle more comfortable for prolonged use.

Ideal Players

  • Power Players:
    • Suitability: Players who rely on power and aggressive shots will find the 16mm paddle advantageous. Its design supports strong drives and powerful serves, enhancing overall game strength.
    • Playing Style: Those who focus on offensive play and need a paddle that can deliver robust shots will benefit from the enhanced power of a 16mm paddle.
  • Players with Arm Issues:
    • Comfort: The additional cushioning provided by the 16mm thickness can make a significant difference for players who experience discomfort or pain with thinner paddles. The shock absorption helps in reducing arm strain and preventing injuries.

Choosing the Right Paddle

When deciding between a 13mm and 16mm pickleball paddle, consider the following factors:

  • Playing Style: If you prefer aggressive play and strong shots, a 16mm paddle might be more suitable. For a balanced approach with a mix of power and control, a 13mm paddle could be ideal.
  • Comfort Needs: If you experience arm discomfort or are prone to injuries, the additional cushioning of a 16mm paddle might offer better protection.
  • Skill Level: Intermediate players often find 13mm paddles versatile, while advanced players who want to focus on power may lean towards 16mm paddles.


Both 13mm and 16mm pickleball paddles offer distinct advantages, making them suitable for different types of players. Understanding the differences in power, control, and comfort is crucial in selecting the right paddle for your needs.

  • 13mm Pickleball Paddles: These paddles are versatile, offering a balanced combination of power and control. They are ideal for players who seek adaptability and a moderate level of cushioning. They work well for intermediate players and those who want a good mix of performance characteristics.
  • 16mm Pickleball Paddles: These paddles are designed for players who prioritize power and comfort. The thicker core enhances power and provides superior shock absorption, making them ideal for aggressive players and those with arm issues. The 16mm paddle is particularly suited for advanced players looking to focus on powerful shots.

By aligning the paddle’s attributes with your playing style, comfort needs, and skill level, you can significantly enhance your pickleball experience. Whether your focus is on power, control, or overall comfort, choosing the right paddle ensures that you can perform at your best and enjoy the game to its fullest.

Key Takeaways

  • Paddle Thickness Impact:
    • 13mm Paddles: Offer a balanced combination of power and control, making them versatile for various playing styles. They are ideal for intermediate players and those who want a good mix of performance attributes.
    • 16mm Paddles: Provide enhanced power and superior shock absorption. They are well-suited for power-focused players and those with arm discomfort, offering a more robust performance at the cost of slightly reduced control.
  • Construction and Materials:
    • Core Materials: Both 13mm and 16mm paddles often use polymer or aluminum honeycomb cores. The thickness affects the overall feel and performance, with 16mm paddles offering more mass and power.
    • Face Materials: Composite materials like fiberglass and carbon fiber are common in both paddle types, ensuring durability and enhancing performance.
  • Performance Characteristics:
    • Power: 16mm paddles generally provide more power, making them suitable for aggressive play. 13mm paddles offer a balanced power level suitable for varied styles.
    • Control: 13mm paddles typically offer better control than 16mm paddles, which may slightly compromise precision due to increased thickness.
    • Comfort: 16mm paddles provide better cushioning and shock absorption, which is beneficial for players with arm issues or those who play frequently.
  • Choosing the Right Paddle:
    • Playing Style: Select a 16mm paddle for a power-centric game and a 13mm paddle for a balanced approach.
    • Comfort Needs: If you experience arm discomfort, a 16mm paddle’s additional cushioning can offer better protection.
    • Skill Level: Intermediate players often find 13mm paddles versatile, while advanced players seeking power may prefer 16mm paddles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does the thickness of a pickleball paddle affect its performance?

The thickness of a paddle influences power, control, and comfort. Thicker paddles (like 16mm) provide more power and cushioning, which is useful for strong shots and reducing arm strain. Thinner paddles (like 13mm) offer a balance of power and control, making them versatile for different playing styles.

Are 16mm paddles better for players with arm issues?

Yes, 16mm paddles offer superior shock absorption and cushioning, which can help reduce discomfort and strain on the arm. The increased thickness helps in absorbing more impact, making it easier on players with arm problems.

Can a 13mm paddle provide enough power for aggressive play?

Yes, 13mm paddles can provide ample power for aggressive play while maintaining a reasonable level of control. They are versatile and can be a good choice for players who want a mix of power and precision.

Which paddle is better for intermediate players?

Intermediate players often find 13mm paddles to be a good fit due to their balanced combination of power and control. These paddles support skill development and offer versatility as players refine their technique.

How do composite materials impact paddle performance?

Composite materials like fiberglass and carbon fiber enhance the paddle’s durability and performance. They contribute to a stronger, more resilient face, improving the paddle’s ability to handle impact and maintain consistent play.

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